September 18, 2017
by Lindsay Hill
Quick note today: We quietly published StackStorm 2.4.1 last week. Nothing major, just a few bug fixes.
First one: Mistral shutdown with systemd is much faster. The issue has been resolved upstream. We’ve fixed a couple more Mistral-related issues, including better handling of Unicode results.
For our RBAC users, we have fixed a problem where the the system user was being used for pack installation, not the actual user who requested the pack install.
Usual update process applies (backup first!!!).
August has rolled on by, but our Northern Hemisphere users have not been taking a break over summer: StackStorm Exchange updates continue, with new packs and updates. This time, we also have a request for our AWS pack users.
August 30, 2017
by Warren Van Winckel
For a little while now, the stackstorm/stackstorm docker image has been tagged with the version of StackStorm that comes pre-installed in the image. Now, you can pin your installation to a specific release of StackStorm! Images tagged with “latest” contain the most recent StackStorm release at the time it was tagged.
The stackstorm/stackstorm:2.4.0 image will always contain the 2.4.0 release of stackstorm. The previous release, 2.3.2, is available at stackstorm/stackstorm:2.3.2. We never again update stackstorm/stackstorm:2.3.2 after 2.4.0 is released. Any feature changes to st2-docker will only ever apply to the most recent stackstorm image.
We had said we were planning on releasing StackStorm 2.4 in September. Well, we changed our mind: StackStorm 2.4 has just been released. We wanted to get some of these new features out now, rather than wait. Pack UI, Workflow pause & resume, ChatOps fixes, and more. Read on to see what we’ve done.
Ooh boy, lots of stuff has been happening here. The first feature you’ll see is the new “Packs” tab:
August 22, 2017
By Nick Maludy of Encore Technologies
Want to implement centralized logging for your StackStorm deployment? Read on to find out how to send your StackStorm logs to Graylog, and produce pretty dashboards like this:
July 31st, 2017
by Lindsay Hill
The StackStorm Exchange saw several new packs during July, along with some updates to old favorites. Read on for a roundup of interesting happenings:
July 29, 2017
by Lindsay Hill
The Summer of Bugfixes continues here at StackStorm. The team has put together another patch release, fixing a few annoyances, cleaning up some old bugs, and making StackStorm all-around easier to use. Read on for some of the notable changes:
July 6, 2017
by Lindsay Hill
Hot on the heels of StackStorm 2.3, we have pushed out StackStorm 2.3.1. Bugs squashed, a few useful small changes. Here’s a few of the highlights:
July 3, 2017
by Lindsay Hill
Hey folks, just a quick roundup of happenings on the StackStorm Exchange for the month of June. New packs, updates to existing packs, and a reminder about changes to pack configuration.
June 22, 2017
by Dmitri Zimine
In this blog, we show how to scale out a Docker Swarm Cluster based on container workload, so that you don’t over-provision your AWS cluster and pay for just enough instances to run your containers. Learn how we achieved this, watch the 2 min video to see it in action. Read the blog for details. Grab our code recipe and adjust it to your liking and use to auto-scale your Swarm on AWS.