Chatops Pitfalls and Tips

December 11, 2015
by Dmitri Zimine

You are starting with ChatOps.

You have already watched Jesse Newland, Mark Imbriaco and our own James Fryman and Evan Powell preaching it. You’ve read the links on reddit, and skimmed ChatOps blogs from PagerDuty and VictorOps. You’ve studied ChatOps for Dummies

Congratulation and welcome to the journey, ChatOps is awesome way to run development and operations. I’ll spare repeating why ChatOps is good – you’ve eager to get going. I’d rather focus on few common pitfalls and misconceptions that can get you off the track.



StackStorm 1.2 release announcement

December 8, 2015
by Manas Kelshikar

The holidays are upon us and we decided to celebrate with our v1.2.0 release of StackStorm! StackStorm v1.2.0 follows up as an update to our blockbuster v1.1.0.

StackStorm 1.2 features significant changes to ChatOps, some smaller improvements and plenty of bug fixes. Lets walk through some of the highlights –


The ChatOps changes are so extensive that we decided to dedicate a separate blog here. Once users familiarized themselves with StackStorm-powered ChatOps we received excellent feedback which has been translated into some of the improvements in this release.

The major theme is extending further your control of your ChatOps and especially what is presented in your precious chat real-estate.  We commercially support ChatOps – and we think improve it greatly versus rolling your own flavor of a bot or directly connecting more and more integrations to chat.

While we were at it we also took the liberty of reworking some StackStorm internals to better suit ChatOps needs thus enabling some of the features and opening up the door for many more future improvements.READ MORE…

StackStorm 1.2.0: the new ChatOps

December 8, 2015
by Edward Medvedev

ChatOps — a concept where a chat bot acts as a control plane for your operations — has always been a core part of StackStorm. It adds context to your actions, automates routine tasks nobody likes, helps team members communicate better and learn from each other, and sometimes it’s just plain fun. If you’re new to this, check out the DevOps Next Steps talk by James Fryman, and if you’ve been writing Eggdrop scripts in IRC since you were five but never used it in your daily operations, you might also get inspired from the ChatOps at GitHub talk by Jesse Newland.

Today, we’re all excited to introduce — as a part of our 1.2.0 release — a completely revamped ChatOps feature list. If you’re already using our Hubot integration to execute StackStorm actions from chat, stop doing whatever it is you’re doing and update! If not, it’s a good time to get started: ChatOps is the way of the future, now more than ever.


Auto-Remediation: Getting Started

December 2, 2015
by Patrick Hoolboom

On the latest Automation Happy Hour we talked with engineers from Netflix about auto-remediation. A good portion of the discussion was around how to get started. This got me thinking that I should probably take a moment to go over this topic a bit.

People tend to overanalyze auto-remediation. It seems there is a mentality that they must automate away all of their problems on day one. This type of thinking frequently leads to analysis paralysis. They deadlock on trying to decide what to automate.  In this article I am going to outline two of the best ways I have found to get people started in auto-remediation.  Facilitated troubleshooting and simple monitoring events.

Why Auto-Remediate?

Auto-remediation is more than a band-aid for poorly implemented infrastructure or applications.  Servers go down, processes hang, outages happen.  It provides a significant reduction in time to resolution and allows the team to focus more on root cause analysis to prevent future outages.  It helps alleviate pager fatigue and let’s people focus more on the important task of improving the applications or infrastructure.  Leveraging an event driven automation platform such as StackStorm also gives better visibility into what is and isn’t working in your process.  Let the machines mitigate the event so you can focus on making sure it doesn’t happen again.READ MORE…

Build or Integrate Your Own Operational Dashboard w/ StackStorm (guest blog)

November 26, 2015
by Anthony Shaw of Dimension Data

This tutorial will show you how to leverage the power of the StackStorm API to expose your fantastic new workflows built using the Flow (available to Enterprise Edition uses) by following one of the blogs.

In our fictional scenario, we have built 2 complex workflows.

  1. Engage Tractor Beam, this workflow deploys some virtual machines to cloud, uses Hubot to notify the staff and then Puppet to drive the tractor beam.
  2. Open/Close loading bay doors, this workflow takes the desired state of the doors to drive another workflow.

We want to provide our technical operations team with a really simple UI where they can just click these buttons and we hide the magic behind the scenes.

Starting off

First off, this is a tutorial for ASP.NET 4.5, MVC 5 and WebAPI 2.0, the latest Microsoft Web Development toolkit.

If you want to use another stack, you can follow the patterns here to repeat in another language.

Opening up Visual Studio (here I am using 2013, 2015 would also work), select the ASP.NET Web Application template


When prompted, pick out the Single Page Application option, this will install a whole smorgasbord of web-development tools.READ MORE…

Netflix: StackStorm-based Auto-Remediation – Why, How, and So What

Lessons from this week’s Event Driven Automation Meet-up

November 21, 2015
by Evan Powell

This week two excellent engineers at Netflix spoke at the Event Driven Automation meet-up which Netflix hosted.  It was great to see old friends and thought leaders from Cisco, Facebook, LinkedIn and elsewhere. This blog summarizes Netflix’s presentation.

My quick summary is that it was the best presentation I’ve seen that combines both solid reasoning about why to move towards auto-remediation as well as information about how to do so.

Before we get to all that substance, however, I should admit that my favorite moment of the evening was probably when they explained why Netflix calls auto-remediation based on StackStorm “Winston.” Remember Mr Wolf?



Happy Happy Hour Hour (2 happy hours) – stump the engineers

November 20, 2015
by Evan Powell

Tuesday the 1st at 10am we’ll be talking event driven automation and specifically auto-remediation with our friends at Netflix.

We’re really happy Sayli Karmarkar and Jean-Sebastien Jeannotte are joining in, willing to take all manner of automation, StackStorm and Netflix and specifically Cassandra (DataStax) questions.  As in “why don’t they talk auto remediation in House of Cards?”  haha.

Sayli and JS are directly responsible for Cassandra (DataStax) operations at Netflix as well as building and running what they call Winston, their StackStorm based auto-remediation as a service offering at Netflix.  So come armed with Cassandra (DataStax) questions too.

To register for the Happy Hour, please go to

As you’ll see the format is a Google Hangout.  Our own DoriftoShoes (aka “Patrick”) will take questions as well – you can share them then via the hangout once it starts or via twitter through #AskAnAutomator.  Feel free to bring your #badauto scenarios as in “a friend of mine said one time their automation pulled all their servers out of the queue on Cyber Monday.”  Or, “my ChatBot keeps telling jokes that are not humorous.”


StackStorm v1.1.1 has been released

November 16, 2015
by Tomaz Muraus

Slightly more than 2 weeks after the StackStorm v1.1.0 release we are happy to announce that we have just released StackStorm v1.1.1.

As you can guess from the version identifier (since v1.1.0 release we are following semantic versioning), this is minor release which means there are no breaking or backward incompatible changes and the release mostly includes smaller improvements and bug fixes.


StackStorm v1 is out!

November 02, 2015
by Dmitri Zimnie


A new release of StackStorm is out…. and (…drums…) it is version 1.1!

Yes, this is a major release. The product has really come together, so we decided to name it “version 1”. In his recent Hello World blog Evan Powell shared the learnings over two years that become foundation of StackStorm and made it a distinct product. Here I will go over specific feature highlights of version 1, touch on migration path from earlier versions, and point out to StackStorm’s future directions.


Hello World – StackStorm is GA (1.1 shipping)

October 28, 2015
by Evan Powell

Time flies.

Over two years ago we got StackStorm going.  And today we announce the general availability of StackStorm, both the Enterprise Edition and the Community Edition.  

We have made StackStorm generally available because it is now ready, having proven itself at Netflix, WebEx and with thousands of other users.  Maybe more importantly, we are announcing general availability because we are ready, with commercial license subscriptions, 24×7 support, and more.  

We’ve learned a lot over the last couple of years thanks to countless conversations with automators and operators and thanks to discussions amongst what I strongly believe is the best core technical team in the overall DevOps market.  All that learning shows up in StackStorm – a solution that is different than earlier automation in a number of ways:

  • Event-driven automation:  Let’s start with the fundamentals.  StackStorm is built from the ground up to wire together heterogeneous environments and to then allow you to take actions based on what is occurring.  Do that between two systems – with middling reliability and, well, meh.  The chewing gum scripts between your monitoring and your configuration management works well enough.  But tie together many systems reliably so that you can, for example, serve the world streaming video (thanks Netflix!) and that’s hard to do.  StackStorm has helped create the event-driven automation category – learning from the likes of Facebook, LinkedIn and others.
  • Rapid time to value:  We did not want to fall into the trap of the old approaches to autonomic computing, including runbook automation, that could only deliver closed loop computing after months and months of bespoke integrations and coding.  We put a lot of work into making the authoring of integrations – and of course automations – simple.  And for Enterprise Edition users, that means making it as easy as drag and drop via Flow. Also, there are lots of integrations included with over 1500 total sensors and actions available in the StackStorm community.  Actually there are even more as you can snap in your Ansible, Chef, Puppet or Salt, and start leveraging all the actions you’ve got there.


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