DevOpsDays Presentation: Why DevOps Is The Greatest Shift In The IT Industry

August 11, 2014

by Patrick Hoolboom

Last month, we attended DevOpsDays Silicon Valley and had a great time meeting other people in the industry while learning about different DevOps tools and best practices. It was the fifth anniversary of the event and we were honored to be a part of the sold out show! I gave an Ignite Talk on the “10 Reasons Why DevOps is the Greatest Shift in the IT Industry.”

The IT industry has gone through many changes the past few years, however, we believe DevOps is the most significant shift. Not only does DevOps enable faster delivery times, but it forces developers and operations to work together which ultimately makes organizations more dynamic.

Below is a link to my 5-minute presentation about the 10 reasons why DevOps is the biggest shift in power the IT industry has seen in the last 20 years. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on my presentation below or feel free to send me a tweet @phool_stormer.