StackStorm v2.10.4

March 15, 2019
By Tomaz Muraus

Today we are happy to announce StackStorm v2.10.4.

This is another bug fix release in the v2.10.x release series. It includes the following bug fixes and improvements:

  • Fix inadvertent regression in notifier service which would cause generic action trigger to only be dispatched for completed states even if custom states were specified using action_sensor.emit_when config option.
  • Make sure we don’t log auth token and api key inside st2api log file if those values are provided via query parameter and not header (?x-auth-token=foo, ?st2-api-key=bar).
  • Fix rendering of {{ config_context. }} in orquesta task that references action from a different pack
  • Add missing default config location (/etc/st2/st2.conf) to the following services: st2actionrunner, st2scheduler, st2workflowengine.
  • Update statsd metrics driver so any exception thrown by statsd library is treated as non-fatal.


As always, make sure you have backups first. Then follow the standard Upgrade Instructions.